Having reunited and it's members returned from their various side projects, TV on the Radio has finally released its new album "Nine Types of Light." TV on the Radio has built up a relished grooviness and art-rock reputation that has turned notably softer on their new release. Lighter lullabies were not the most expected result this time around, especially after 2008's highly praised, "Dear Science," which was full of dancy, post-apocalyptic disco numbers. Nonetheless, TV on the Radio has regrouped and changed it up for album number four. Ten tracks long, "Nine Types Of Light" was released in the US on April 12, and features classic, harmonically blended TVOTR tunes like groover, "New Cannonball Blues." Despite solid tracks, the band isn't doing much branching out. The majority of tracks are along the same sound as Return To Cookie Mountain's, "I Was A Lover." No doubt, it has textured, elegant sounds that are out-of-this-world-interesting, but when a slight psychedelic twist is added to 10 strains of "I Was A Lover," a listener can't help but feel a bit dull. Of the number of albums released by TV on the Radio, Nine Types Of Light is sort of the black sheep, the odd one out, the outcast. Arguably, it is the one lacking in passionate rage, which is what TV on the Radio has earned a reputation for. The golden track of the album is "Will Do," but compared to its brothers and sisters, the album contains no "Dancing Choose," "Wolf Like Me," or "Staring at the Sun" sort of hit. The album doesn't create an immediate connection, rather a subtle love after a few very close listens. One thing that is not missing from the album is the style of intelligent lyricism. Let us hope that while TV on the Radio prepares for their next release, this siesta of an album is a precursor, a building of energy for the dancing/throbbing/bobbing/swaying/swooning still to come.
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